Florida Gypsum Contractor Trade Exam - Online Exam Prep Course

Florida Gypsum Contractor Trade Exam - Online Exam Prep Course

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Get one step closer to becoming a Florida Gypsum contractor with a prep course designed by 1ExamPrep to help you conquer the required Florida Gypsum Trade Knowledge computer based examination.

Use the online course structure to tailor your prep to your individual learning style. You’ll have a full year of access to the online course.

  • Test taking techniques and tips
  • Highlight and tab locations for the references books
  • Practice questions
  • 1 year access
  • Instructor support available 
  • Android and iOS Compatible - Complete the course on your phone anytime 


Definition. A gypsum drywall contractor is a specialty contractor whose scope of work is limited to the installation of all necessary and incidental metal accessories, including non-load bearing metal studs, runners, hangers, channels, drywall metal suspension accessories and prefabricated ceiling materials; and the preparation of the surface over which drywall product is to be applied. This includes the application of base and finishes coats specifically designed for the gypsum drywall products of their own erection. This category shall not include plastering, block, or wood partitions. Nothing in this rule shall be deemed to restrict or limit in any manner the scope of work authorized by a law of other contractor classifications.