• Florida Building Contractor License FAQ

    Testing Company Info

    Below is the testing company information you will need concerning your exam.



    Building Contractor means a contractor whose services are limited to construction of commercial buildings and single-dwelling or multiple-dwelling residential buildings, which do not exceed three stories in height, and accessory use structures in connection therewith or a contractor whose services are limited to remodeling, repair, or improvement of any size building if the services do not affect the structural members of the building.


    Examination Outline

    All Florida Building Contractor candidates are required to pass the Business and Finance Examination and the Building Contractor Trade Examinations administered by Pearson Vue. The Building Contractor Trade Examination is a two-part exam: 1) Contract Administration and 2) Project Management.


    Contract Administration

    The Contract Administration portion of the examination will be administered daily in Computer Based Testing (CBT) format. The examination will consist of 50 equally weighted questions (plus 5 pilot questions) covering the management and operation activities of a construction company. You will have 4.5 hours to complete the exam and must score a 70% in order to pass.

    You should be prepared to respond to examination questions on any of the content areas listed in the below links:


    Project Management

    The Project Management portion of the examination will be administered daily in Computer Based Testing (CBT) format. The examination will consist of 50 equally weighted questions (plus 5 pilot questions) covering managing, controlling, and conducting a specific project. You will have 4.5 hours to complete the exam and must score a 70% in order to pass.

    You should be prepared to respond to examination questions on any of the content areas listed in the below links:


    To speak to a Pearson Vue customer service representative about an exam reservation, please call 888-204-6230


    Approved References

    The answers to the examination questions will be based on the editions listed below. Some of the questions will also be based on field experience and knowledge of trade practices. Editions earlier or later than those listed below can be brought to the examination but AT YOUR OWN RISK. However, ONLY ONE COPY of each reference will be allowed into the examination.

    1. A201 General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, 2017
    2. A401 Standard Form of Agreement between Contractor-Subcontractor, 2017
    3. A701 Instructions to Bidders, 2018
    4. Code of Federal Regulations, (OSHA) 29 Part 1926
    5. Contractors Manual, 2021
    6. Energy Efficient Building Construction in Florida, 11th Ed., 2024 
    7. Building Component Safety Information: BCSI-ED2-D “Guide to Good Practices for Handling, Installing and Bracing of Metal Connected Wood Trusses”, 2020
    8. Florida Building Code - Building, 2023 
    9. Florida Building Code - Accessibility, 2023 
    10. Florida Building Code - Residential, 2023 
    11. Florida Building Code – Existing Building, 2023 
    12. Florida Building Code – Energy Conservation, 2023 
    13. Builder's Guide to Accounting, Michael C. Thomsett, Copyright 2001
    14. Building Estimator’s Reference Book, Walker’s, 33rd Edition
    15. Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, Steven H. Kosmatka, Beatrix Kerkhoff and William C. Panarese, 17th Edition
    16. Placing Reinforcing Bars, 10th Edition
    17. Principles and Practices of Commercial Construction, Ronald C. Smith and Cameron K. Andres, 11th Edition
    18. Application and Finishing of Gypsum Panel Products, GA-216, 2018 Edition.

    Photocopies will not be allowed unless the appropriate authorities (DBPR and the publishers) have given written authorization. Hand-written and typewritten notes are NOT allowed. Existing handwritten notes must be blackened out or whitened out completely, by the candidate, prohibiting legibility. Moveable tabs (e.g., Post-it® Flags) are NOT allowed. You will not be permitted to make any marks in your references during the examination.


    Experience Requirements

    To be a Florida Certified Building Contractor, you must be able to pass the contractor’s exams, provide a proven record of financial stability, and present evidence of your experience. Applicants must have a total of at least four years of field experience in commercial construction of buildings up to three stories, or equivalent with a college degree or military experience.* One year of experience must be in new construction from the ground up to completion and must be in a supervisory/foreman role.

    Building contractor applicants must present evidence of experience in four or more of the following areas per project:

    • Foundation/Slabs greater than 20,000 sq. ft. (habitable structures)
    • Masonry walls
    • Steel erection
    • Column Erection
    • Formwork for structural reinforced concrete
    • Elevated slabs

    *A minimum of one year of college credits from an accredited college or university and military service can apply towards a portion of the experience requirements. For more information regarding licensing requirements, please contact a licensing consultant at 954-210-3030.