• Business & Finance
    • Trade License
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    Business & Finance


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    • Register as Contractor Applicant on DBPR
    • Attend Business & Finance Class
    • Schedule Business & Finance Exam
    • Schedule Tutoring Business & Finance Exam


    Passing your

    Trade License


    • Open Corporation & EIN #
    • Order Trade Exam Study Books
    • Attend Trade Class
    • Schedule Trade Exam
    • Schedule Trade Tutoring or Cram Course


    Passing your



    • Schedule your Application Interview
    • Obtain Credit Reports
    • Fingerprints & Background Check
    • Gather & Submit Appication Documents
    • Obtain Insurance & Bond Quotes


    You are Licensed!

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    Glass & Glazing Description

    • OSHA Code of Federal Regulations Title 29, Part 1926 - Add To Cart
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    • Energy Efficient Building Construction in Florida 11th Ed, 2024 - Add To Cart
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    • Florida Building Code - Building, 2023 - Add To Cart
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    • Florida Building Code - Accessibility, 2023 - Add To Cart
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    • GANA Glazing Manual, 2008
    • ASTM E1300-24 Standard Practice for Determining Load Resistance of Glass in Buildings , 2024


    To become a licensed contractor in Florida, you are required to:

    • Pass the Business and Finance Examination and the Glass and Glazing Trade Examinations administered by Pearson Vue.
    • Note: Exam candidates who have received a baccalaureate degree in building construction from an accredited 4-year college and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher are exempt from having to take the trade knowledge portion of the exam. You will only be required to register for Business and Finance.
    • Attest to having obtained public liability and property damage insurance, meeting the minimum required amounts: $100,000 for public liability and $25,000 for property damage.
    • Obtain workers compensation insurance or obtain an exemption from workers compensation insurance within 30 days of license issuance.
    • Be at least 18 years of age and be of good moral character.
    • Complete a criminal background check by submitting fingerprints through a Livescan Service Provider registered with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE). Fingerprints are electronically submitted to the FDLE and Federal Bureau of Investigation for screening, as mandated for all Construction Initial License, Initial Business, Additional Business, Transfer (Change of Status), and Endorsement applications.
    • Provide proof of financial stability and responsibility by submitting a personal credit report and a credit report for the business you intend to qualify. Both reports must include a FICO-derived credit score from a recognized credit reporting agency, accompanied by a public records statement confirming that records have been reviewed at the local, state, and federal levels. Financial responsibility & stability can be demonstrated by a credit score of 660 or higher and no unsatisfied judgments or liens. Applicants with a FICO credit score below 660 must meet the financial stability requirement by completing an 14-hour financial responsibility course.
    • Contact us for more detailed information or if you have personal credit concerns.
    • Experience Required:
    • Glass and Glazing contractor applicants must present evidence of experience in the installation/attachment of:
      - Windows and Glass
      - Natural Gas Transmission Systems Modification & Alteration
      - Glass Holding or Supporting Mullions or Horizontal Bars
      - Cutting and Installation of Glass and Mirrors
    • A person will qualify for a certified license by meeting one of the following requirements:
    • 4 years of experience in the trade with at least 1 year as a foreman; OR
    • A 4-year construction-related degree from an accredited college (equivalent to three years experience) and 1 year of proven experience applicable to the category for which you are applying (A construction-related degree” is a baccalaureate degree, in the appropriate field of engineering, architecture, or building construction); OR
    • 1 year as a foreman and not less than 3 years of credits from any accredited college-level courses; OR
    • 1 year as a worker, 1 year as a foreman, and 2 years of credits from any accredited college-level courses; OR
    • 2 years of experience as a workman, 1 year as a foreman, and 1 year of credits from any accredited college-level courses.
    • MILITARY VETERANS: A veteran will qualify for a certified license by meeting one of the following:
    • 3 years of military service and 1 year experience as a foreman applicable to the category for which you are applying.
    • 2 years of military service, 1 year experience as a foreman, and 1 year experience as a worker or foreman applicable to the category for which you are applying.
    • 1 year of military service, 1 year experience as a foreman, and 2 years experience as a worker or foreman applicable to the category for which you are applying.

    A “glass and glazing contractor” is a specialty contractor whose scope of work is limited to the installation and attachment of all types of windows and glass, on residential and commercial applications without any height restriction, whether fixed or movable; the installation of swinging or sliding glass doors to existing walls, floors, columns or other structural members of the building; the installation of glass holding or supporting mullions or horizontal bars; the installation of structurally anchored impact-resistant opening protection attached to existing building walls, floors, columns or other structural members of the building; and the cutting and installation of glass and mirrors. A glass and glazing specialty contractor may also install prefabricated glass, metal or plastic curtain walls, storefront frames or panels, caulking incidental to such work and assembly, and installation of shower & tub enclosures and metal fascias.

    Applications for the Florida Glass and Glazing License must be submitted to the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. For application instructions and assistance, call 850-487-1395. The application process includes proof of financial stability, details of insurance coverage, and electronic fingerprinting, among other requirements.

    • Reciprocity: Florida does not have a reciprocal agreement with any other states for the Glass and Glazing license.
    • Endorsement: Applicants may qualify for endorsement if they hold a valid license issued by another state or U.S. territory where the licensing criteria were substantially equivalent to Florida’s current certification requirements or have held a valid, current license for at least 10 years (active within the last 2 years), provided the license type matches or is similar to the one being applied for in Florida. Additional requirements to qualify for endorsement can be found on the CILB 10 Form application.
    • IMPORTANT: Endorsement is subject to approval by the Construction Industry Licensing Board and/or the Department. If the Board denies your application, your fee is nonrefundable. Please note that endorsement application requirements relying on a comparison of a state specific test are very stringent and rarely get approved by the Construction Industry Licensing Board.
    • Examination Exemption: Applicants who meet the following examination exemption requirements of Rule 61G4-16.009, F.A.C., may be exempt from the Florida examination:
    • Previously held a valid local license or competency card in any Florida jurisdiction as of June 30, 2021;
    • No pending discipline on said license or competency card and has not had said license or competency card disciplined within the last five (5) years; AND
    • Passed a written examination that complies with Rule 61G4-16.009(5)(c), F.A.C., to obtain said license or competency card.
    • NOTE: If using the exam exemption method of licensure, you must submit a paper application. You must submit a copy of your local license or competency card. It must match the license category sought. If the license category does not match, you must submit a copy of the scope of work.

    Florida requires all licensed contractors to complete 14 hours of continuing education during each biennial renewal period. This education must include 1 hour on workplace safety, 1 hour on workers' compensation, 1 hour on business practices, 1 hour on laws and rules, 1 hour on wind mitigation, and the remaining hours on general subjects.

    • To schedule your exams, you must first contact Professional Testing Inc. (PTI) at 407-364-0562 or visit them online at: www.floridaexam.com to register. A $135.00 registration fee is payable to PTI at the time of registration.
    • After your registration is processed (typically within 10-15 business days), you will receive instructions from Pearson VUE on how to schedule your exams and pay the associated examination administrative fees. The exam fees are $80.00 for the Business and Finance exam and $80.00 for the Trade Knowledge exam. For assistance, contact Pearson VUE directly at 888-204-6230.
    • Examinations are administered in a computer-based testing (CBT) format that you can take anytime at a Pearson VUE testing facility.
    • A score of at least 70% is required to pass the exams.
    • The exam is open book, multiple-choice, and timed.
    • The exam has 2 parts. Computer-based testing will be administered in two sessions. The Florida Business and Finance exam is a 6.5-hour exam consisting of 120 questions, and the Glass and Glazing Trade Knowledge exam will be a 5-hour exam with 80 questions
    • Topics covered on the business and finance exam portion include establishing the contracting business, managing administrative duties, managing trade operations, conducting accounting functions, managing human resources, and complying with government regulations.
    • Topics covered on the glass and glazing trade knowledge exam portion are pre-construction planning, product fabrication, transportation, installation, servicing, and safety practices.

    • A candidate must pass all parts of the examinations required for licensure within 4 years of the first attempt.
    • The 4 year examination period begins with your first scheduled examination date.
    • You have an unlimited number of attempts within the 4 year period.
    • After 4 years, all previous test scores become invalid, and you will be required to take all parts of the examination again.

    Training for the Florida Glass Glazing exam is available through various providers, offering courses that cover both Glass Glazing requirements and essential preparation for specific trade knowledge. These courses are designed to help applicants pass their exams on the first attempt by equipping them with the necessary knowledge and test-taking strategies.