2012 International Plumbing Code
The 2012 IPC provides minimum regulations for plumbing facilities in terms of both performance and prescriptive objectives, and provides for the acceptance of new and innovative products, materials, and systems. Important changes to the IPC include: Requirements for the design of a Siphonic Roof Drainage System have been added. Gray water recycling requirements have moved to the body of the code in a new Chapter 13. “Hydro-mechanical” and “Gravity” are the new terms for the two general types of grease interceptors. Air admittance valves complying with standard ASSE 1049 are now allowed for venting chemical waste systems. The length of a combination waste and vent system is now unlimited. The Single Stack Vent System method has been added. The code expands on suitable materials for pressurized sewage discharge applications and ratings. The IPC also includes its companion document, 2012 International Private Sewage Disposal Code®, that contains provisions for design, installation, and inspection of private sewage disposal systems, and provides flexibility in the development of safe and sanitary systems. (264 pages)
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