• Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Troubleshooting Handbook, 2nd Edition

    Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Troubleshooting Handbook, 2nd Edition

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    Table of Contents

    1. Component Troubleshooting. 
    2. Electronic Controls. 
    3. Start-Up Procedures.
    4. Standard Service Procedures. 
    5. Representative Wiring Diagrams. 
    6. Safety Procedures. 
    7. Troubleshooting Charts. 
    8. Useful Engineering Data. 


    This comprehensive book covers both electric and electronic controls in depth. It uses at-a-glance charts cross-referenced to specific sections of the book. Chapter topics encompass control operation, adjustment, troubleshooting, installation, use, and start-up procedures for different types of units, representative wiring diagrams for some types of equipment, safety procedures, and useful engineering data. For air conditioning and refrigeration service technicians.

    From the Back Cover


    This text is a complete, practical guide to servicing and repairing heating, cooling, and refrigeration equipment. It provides the information needed to make a quick diagnosis and repair. This guide first examines the conditions for ideal equipment operation, then proceeds to common and not-so-common malfunctions. This handbook, with its easy-to-follow, step-by-step guidelines, is a must for modern technicians.

    Some key features of this book include:
    • all-in-one repair guide
    • in-depth coverage of heating, cooling, and refrigeration units
    • a series of troubleshooting charts showing every step in the repair process
    • a quick-access reference section providing repair tips and techniques, along with check-out procedures for all components
    • wiring diagrams to illustrate efficient wiring techniques and provide information on start-up and check-out procedures
    • in-depth coverage of air conditioning and refrigeration units
    • many photos, line drawings, and tables to clarify instructions
    New to this edition:
    • New refrigerants are illustrated
    • EPA-required refrigerant handling procedures are used in exercises and procedures
    • Electronic control troubleshooting procedures

    By Billy C. Langley

    Published by Pearson

    Published Date: May 16, 2002


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