• PSI Arizona B-3 (CR-61) Limited Remodeling and Repair Contractor (Residential/Commercial) Book Package

    Arizona B-3 (CR-61) Limited Remodeling and Repair Contractor Exam (Residential/Commercial) Book Package

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    The first 3 books may be brought into the PSI exam center, the last 10 may not.

    This book package is for all 13 books

    The following reference material is allowed in the examination center:

    Code of Federal Regulations - 29 CFR Part 1926 (OSHA)

    International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, 2018

    International Building Code, 2018

    The following reference material is not allowed in the examination center

    Pipe and Excavation Contracting

    Carpentry and Building Construction, 2016

    Contractors Guide to Quality Concrete Construction, 3rd Edition, 2005

    Modern Masonry - Brick, Block, Stone, 9th Edition

    Roofing Construction & Estimating

    Walker's Insulation Techniques and Estimating Handbook

    PDCA Craftsman's Manual and Textbook, Eighth Edition,

    Standard Practice for Installation of Rigid Poly Vinyl Chloride

    Gypsum Construction Handbook, 7th edition, 2014

    Handbook for Ceramic, Glass, and Stone Tile Installation, 2017

    Remodeling and repairs to existing structures or appurtenances, excluding swimming pools or spas, not to exceed $25,000 per project per dwelling. Work on electrical, plumbing, air conditioning systems, or boilers that require a building permit must be subcontracted to an appropriately licensed contractor. The scope of work allowed under the CR-7R carpentry classification is included. Doors, Gates, Windows, and Accessories, Removable Formwork and shoring, Nailing and Stapling.

    All rough and finish general carpentry work on new and existing structures, including installation of related hardware and accessories, without dollar limitation. All general remodeling, additions, replacements, and repairs to existing structures, and pre-manufactured items on existing structures, except electrical, plumbing, and air conditioning system work which shall be sublet to properly licensed contractors. A single contract for remodeling, repair or a combination of both, shall not exceed $50,000.

    Remodeling or repair of an existing residential structure or appurtenance except for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, boilers, swimming pools, or spas which must be subcontracted to an appropriately licensed contractor. The scope of work allowed under the C-7 carpentry classification is included within this scope. Doors, Gates, Windows, and Accessories, Removable Formwork and shoring, Nailing and Stapling. The trade test is considered equivalent for these classifications and upon passing the CBME and trade exam, any of these license classification may be applied for without further testing.

    the exam is 75 questions taken over 180 minutes. The minimum required score to pass is a 70%.

    The reference material listed above was used to prepare the questions for this examination. The examination may also contain questions based on trade knowledge or general industry practices. Except for Code books, you can base your answers on later editions of references as they become available. For Code questions, the examinations will be based only on the edition of the Code book that is listed. 

    Candidates may use a silent, nonprinting, non-programmable calculator in the examination center.

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