• Builder's Guide to Accounting Revised - 10th Printing Book

    Builder's Guide to Accounting Revised - 10th Printing Book

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    Builder's Guide to Accounting, Revised Edition is a step-by-step, easy-to-follow guideline for setting up and maintaining records for a building or construction business. This practical guide to all accounting methods shows how to meet state and federal accounting requirements, explains the new depreciation rules and describes how the Tax Reform Act can affect the way you keep records. Full of charts, diagrams, simple directions and examples to help you keep track of where your money is going. Recommended reading for many state contractor's exams. Includes a CD-ROM that contains answers to all end-of-chapter questions in the book

    Step-by-step, easy-to-follow guidelines for setting up and maintaining records for your building business. This practical guide to all accounting methods shows how to meet state and federal accounting requirements, explains the new depreciation rules, and describes how the Tax Reform Act can affect the way you keep records. Full of charts, diagrams, simple directions and examples, to help you keep track of where your money is going.

    Weight 1.8600
    ISBN 1572181052
    Page Count 360
    Author Michael C. Thomsett
    Publisher Craftsman Book Company
    Dimensions 8-1/2 x 11


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