• Alabama Concrete Pavement Contractor Book Package
    PSI Alabama Concrete Pavement Contractor Certification Package
    • Alabama Concrete Pavement Contractor Book Package
    • PSI Alabama Concrete Pavement Contractor Certification Package

    Alabama Concrete Pavement Contractor Book Package

    • $1,499.00
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    This package includes the following books for the Alabama Concrete Pavement Contractor examination with PSI:

    1. Code of Federal Regulations - 29 CFR Part 1926
    2. Placing Reinforcing Bars, 10th Edition
    3. Installation Guide for Ductile Iron Pipe
    4. Pipe and Excavation Contracting, 2011
    5. Pipe Welding Procedures, 2003
    6. Pipefitters Handbook, 3rd Edition 
    7. Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving Handbook, 2000
    8. Technical Digest No. 9 Handling and Erection of Steel Joists and Joist Girders
    9. ASME B31.8-2014 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems
    10. Technical Digest No. 9 – Handling and Erection of Steel Joists and Joist Girders, 3rd Edition, 2008
    11. Concrete Pipe & Box Culvert Installation, 2007
    12. Formwork for Concrete, 2014 8th Edition
    13. Alabama 1Call- Dig Safely

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