• Florida Residential Pool Contractor Exam Complete Book Set - Trade Books
    • Florida Residential Pool Contractor Exam Complete Book Set - Trade Books

    Florida Residential Pool Contractor Exam Complete Book Set - Trade Books

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    The complete set of Florida State Residential Pool Contractors trade exam books includes the following:

    1. ANSI/APSP-3 American National Standard for Permanently Installed Residential Spas, 2014
    2. ANSI/APSP/ICC-5 American National Standard for Residential Inground Swimming Pools, 2011
    3. Walker’s Building Estimator’s Reference Book, Walker’s, 33rd Edition
    4. Code of Federal Regulations, (OSHA) 29 Part 1926
    5. Concrete Masonry Handbook for Architects, Engineers, Builders, 6th Edition, Copyright 2008  (Used - like new condition, this book is out of print)
    6. Guide to Shotcrete / Shotcrete Guide ACI 506
    7. NFPA 70 – 2020 National, Electrical Code, Softbound, Article 680, Swimming Pools, Fountains & Similar Installations, 2020
    8. Placing Reinforcing Bars, 10th Ed. 
    9. Pool & Spa Operator Handbook 
    10. Florida Building Code - Building, 2023


    Florida Residential Pool and Spa contractor is a contractor whose scope of work involves, but is not limited to, the construction, repair, and servicing of a residential swimming pool, or hot tub or spa, regardless of use. The scope of work includes the installation, repair, or replacement of existing equipment, any cleaning or equipment sanitizing that requires at least a partial disassembling, excluding filter changes, and the installation of new pool/spa equipment, interior finishes, the installation of package pool heaters, the installation of all perimeter piping and filter piping, and the construction of equipment rooms or housing for pool/spa equipment, and also includes the scope of work of a swimming pool/spa servicing contractor.

    The scope of such work does not include direct connections to a sanitary sewer system or to potable water lines. The installation, construction, modification, or replacement of equipment permanently attached to and associated with the pool or spa for the purpose of water treatment or cleaning of the pool or spa requires licensure; however, the usage of such equipment for the purposes of water treatment or cleaning does not require licensure unless the usage involves construction, modification, or replacement of such equipment. Water treatment that does not require such equipment does not require a license. In addition, a license is not required for the cleaning of the pool or spa in a way that does not affect the structural integrity of the pool or spa or its associated equipment.


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