• Florida Marine Bulkhead Work Specialty Contractor Exam Book Set - Trade Books
    • Florida Marine Bulkhead Work Specialty Contractor Exam Book Set - Trade Books

    Florida Marine Bulkhead Work Specialty Contractor Exam Book Set - Trade Books

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    The Florida State Marine Bulkhead Work Contractor trade exam book package includes the following nine (9) references allowed into the exam room:


    1. Walker's Building Estimator’s Reference Book, Walker’s, 33rd Ed.
    2. Code of Federal Regulations, (OSHA) 29 Part 1926
    3. Contractors Manual, 2021
    4. Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, 17th Edition, 2021
    5. Placing Reinforcing Bars, 10th Edition, 2019
    6. Principles and Practices of Commercial Construction, 11th Edition, 2024
    7. Damage Prevention Guide (includes FL Statute Ch. 556 Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act), October 2020
    8. Dock Manual, Design, Building, Maintaining, 14th Ed., 1999
    9. Timber Pile Design & Construction Manual, 2016


    The following three (3) references are NOT included in the book package: 


    1. *Concrete Masonry Handbook for Architects, Engineers, Builders, 6th Edition, 2008 (*suggested study reference, not allowed into the exam)
    2. *Formwork for Concrete, 2014, 8th Edition (*suggested study reference, not allowed into the exam)
    3. *Florida Building Code - Building, 2023 (*suggested study reference, not allowed into the exam)


    A “marine bulkhead work contractor” is qualified and certified by the board to install, alter, repair, maintain, relocate, and replace bulkheads and its supporting members.  The scope of work of such contractor shall include all construction below, above or beyond, the mean low water line, for the sole purpose of constructing, erecting, or dismantling of bulkheads.

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