Florida Plaster and Lath Specialty Contractor License Exam Book Set - Trade Books

Florida Plaster and Lath Specialty Contractor License Exam Book Set - Trade Books

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The Florida State Plaster and Lath Contractor trade exam book package includes the following eight (8) references allowed into the exam room:


  1. Walker's Building Estimator’s Reference Book, Walker’s 33rd Edition
  2. Code of Federal Regulations, (OSHA) 29 Part 1926
  3. Contractors Manual, 2021
  4. Gypsum Construction Book, 2014, 7th Edition
  5. Plastering Skills, 1984
  6. ASTM C1063-18b Standard Specification for Installation of Lathing and Furring to  Receive Interior and Exterior Portland Cement-Based Plaster, 2018 
  7. Florida Building Code - Building, 2023
  8. Florida Building Code - Residential, 2023


The following two (2) references are NOT included in the book package: 


  1. *C926-18b Standard Specification for Application Portland Cement - Based Plaster 1, 2018 (*suggested study reference, not allowed into the exam)
  2. *ACI 524 R16 - Guide to Portland Cement-Based Plaster (*suggested study reference, not allowed into the exam)


A “plaster and lath specialty contractor” is qualified and certified by the board to coat surfaces with a mixture of sand or other aggregate gypsum plaster, Portland cement or quicklime and water, or any combination of such material as to create a permanent coating.  The contractor may perform lathing work.