Florida Plaster and Lath Specialty Contractor License Exam Book Set - Trade Books
The Florida State Plaster and Lath Contractor trade exam book package includes the following eight (8) references allowed into the exam room:
- Walker's Building Estimator’s Reference Book, Walker’s 33rd Edition
- Code of Federal Regulations, (OSHA) 29 Part 1926
- Contractors Manual, 2021
- Gypsum Construction Book, 2014, 7th Edition
- Plastering Skills, 1984
- ASTM C1063-18b Standard Specification for Installation of Lathing and Furring to Receive Interior and Exterior Portland Cement-Based Plaster, 2018
- Florida Building Code - Building, 2023
- Florida Building Code - Residential, 2023
The following two (2) references are NOT included in the book package:
- *C926-18b Standard Specification for Application Portland Cement - Based Plaster 1, 2018 (*suggested study reference, not allowed into the exam)
- *ACI 524 R16 - Guide to Portland Cement-Based Plaster (*suggested study reference, not allowed into the exam)
A “plaster and lath specialty contractor” is qualified and certified by the board to coat surfaces with a mixture of sand or other aggregate gypsum plaster, Portland cement or quicklime and water, or any combination of such material as to create a permanent coating. The contractor may perform lathing work.