• Florida State Certified Building Official - Management Course
    • Florida State Certified Building Official - Management Course

    Florida State Certified Building Official - Management Course

    • $225.00
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    Florida State Certified Building Official - Management Course

    At 1 Exam Prep, we have the proven process of passing any open book contractor exam. Our online instruction videos make it convenient and easy for EVERY type of student who is attempting to obtain a contractor's license. Our course gives you:

    • Highlighting and tabbing location for each required book, so you can quickly and easily reference your materials during the exam
    • Hundreds of practice questions in printable pdf format to help you become familiar with each reference book
    • Testing techniques that are an indispensable part of these open-book exams
    • Instructor available via phone, and email
    • 1 year access to course

    Android and iOS Compatible - Complete the course on your phone, anytime or anywhere.

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