Florida Window and Door Installation Specialty Contractor License Exam Book Set - Trade Books

Florida Window and Door Installation Specialty Contractor License Exam Book Set - Trade Books

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The Florida State Window and Door Installation Contractor trade exam book package includes the following references allowed into the exam:


  1. Walker’s Building Estimator’s Reference Book, 33rd Edition, 2024
  2. Code of Federal Regulations, (OSHA) 29 Part 1926
  3. Residential Windows: A Guide to New Technologies and Energy Performance, 2007 (3rd ed.)
  4. Florida Building Code - Building, 2023
  5. Florida Building Code - Residential, 2023


A “window and door installation contractor” is qualified and certified by the board to install, replace, adjust, repair, and service, when not prohibited by law, in accordance with accepted engineering data and or according to manufacturers’ specification of exterior windows and doors, hurricane protection devices, shutters, and hardware in connection therewith which do not affect structural changes, except the replacement of window bucks in retrofit.