GITS Class "B" General Building Contractor (or Building Contractor) – GBE1B- Pre Printed tabs (Tabs only)
Class "B" General Building Contractor (or Building Contractor) – GBE1B- GITS Complete Book Set
1. Florida Building Code (Building), 2023
2. Code of Federal Regulations – Title 29, Part 1926 (OSHA)
3. Excavation and Grading Handbook, 2007, 3rd Ed., Capachi
4. Formwork for Concrete, 2005, 7th ed., M.K.Hurd
5. Carpentry and Building Construction, 2016
6. Placing Reinforcing Bars, 10th Edition
7. Roofing Construction and Estimating, D. Atcheson
8. Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, 17th Ed.
9. All About Masonry Basics, 2000, Ortho
10. Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, 1992
11. BCSI Guide to Good Practice for Handling, Installing, and Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses, 2025
12. Architectural Sheet Metal Manual, 7th Edition, 2012
13. Drywall: Professional Techniques for Great Results, 2002, Ferguson, Myron R
14. Residential Steel Framing Construction Guide, 1994, E.N.Lorre
15. Florida Building Code (Residential Building), 2023