GITS Plastering and Stucco Contractor - Class "PE" - BLE1B (County - Florida)
This license will no longer be issued after June 30, 2024 per Florida House Bill HB735 and HB1383. (Possible Drywall and Lathing Contractor)
Get one step closer to becoming a Plastering and Stucco Contractor with a prep course designed by 1ExamPrep to help you conquer the required GITS Plastering and Stucco Contractor computer-based examination.
Use a blended, online course structure to tailor your prep to your individual learning style. You’ll have a full year of
- Highlight & Tab locations for all of the references books
- 1-hour test-taking techniques lesson Book Overview videos
- Practice Exams with Questions and answer.
- Simulated exams similar to the actual test with hundreds of questions
- Book overview and instructional videos
- 1 year of online.
Note: Effective July 1, 2023 this license is no longer required due to the implementation of Florida HB 735. Please check with your county or municipality for the current requirements for the license you are seeking.