• GITS Shutter/Opening Protective Specialty Contractor - Class "SO" - DFE1B

    GITS Shutter/Opening Protective Specialty Contractor - Class "SO" - DFE1B (County - Florida)

    • $295.00
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    Get one step closer to becoming a County Shutter/Opening Protective Specialty Contractor with a prep course designed by 1ExamPrep to help you conquer the required GITS examination.

    At 1 Exam Prep, we have the proven process of passing any open book contractor exam. Our online instruction make it convenient and easy for EVERY type of student who is attempting to obtain a contractor's license. Our includes:

    • 1-hour test-taking techniques video
    • Test taking tips
    • Highlights and tab locations for all books 
    • Practice questions for each book
    • 1 year of online access

    Android and iOS Compatible - Complete the course on your phone, anytime or anywhere.

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