• Introduction to Becoming a Florida Residential Contractor

    Introduction to Becoming a Florida Residential Contractor

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    Are you considering becoming a Florida Residential Contractor?


    Get started on your path to becoming a licensed Florida Residential Contractor by learning everything you need to know with an informative introductory online course developed by experts in the field.   

    Topics covered in our Introduction to Becoming a Florida Residential Contractor course include: 

    • Introduction to 1ExamPrep 
    • Benefits of becoming a licensed Residential Contractor
    • Steps required to get your license
    • Scope of the required exams
    • Required books for your exams
    • Sample highlights of key areas in the required books
    • Sample simulated exam practice questions
    • The next steps and how 1ExamPrep can help you get licensed  

        Take your first step toward success today! 


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