• GITS Master Electrician/Electrical Contractor - EAE1B - Complete Book Package

    GITS Master Electrician/Electrical Contractor - EAE1B - Complete Book Package

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    Scope In order to be eligible to receive certification from the board as a master electrician and/or electrical contractor, the applicant shall demonstrate possession of the experience, knowledge, and skill to install, repair, alter, add to, or design electrical wiring, luminaries, appliances, apparatus, raceways, conduits, fire alarm systems, or any part thereof, which generate, transmit, transform, or utilize electrical energy in any form, including the electrical installations and systems within plants and sub-stations, all in compliance with applicable plans, specifications, codes, laws, and regulations. The applicant shall have no less than seven (7) years of practical electrical experience, including a minimum of three (3) years of practical electrical experience as a certified journeyman. The board may, in its sole discretion, consider a person's formal or vocational education as practical experience in the trade. Examination Content Outline The Master Electrician/Electrical Contractor examination is based on trade-specific information pertaining to materials, tools, equipment, practices, terminology, and relevant laws. The examination is a three (3) hour, open book exam that consists of 100 questions.

    Master Electrician/Electrical Contractor - EAE1B - GITS Complete Book Package

    1. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code, 2017

    2. Code of Federal Regulations – Title 29, Part 1926 (OSHA)

    3. American Electricians Handbook

    4. Ugly's Electrical References

    5. Industrial Motor Control, 7th Ed.

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