• Mississippi NASCLA Commercial General Building Contractor - Online Exam Prep Course
    • Mississippi NASCLA Commercial General Building Contractor - Online Exam Prep Course

    Mississippi NASCLA Commercial General Building Contractor - Online Exam Prep Course

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     Mississippi Commercial General Building Contractor(NASCLA) Online Exam Prep Course

    Get one step closer to becoming a Mississippi Commercial General Building Contractor with a prep course designed by 1ExamPrep to help you conquer the required computer based examination.

    • This course provides the highlighting and tabbing location for each required book, so you can quickly and easily reference your materials during the exam
    • Hundreds of practice questions help you become familiar with each reference book
    • Simulated computer based final practice exam
    • Testing techniques that are reported to be an indispensable part of these open-book exams
    • 1 year of online access

    At 1 Exam Prep, we have the proven process of passing any open book contractor exam. 

    The NASCLA Examination for Commercial General Building Contractors is used by State Licensing Agencies to test commercial general building contractor candidates who are applying for a contractor’s license. The exam is designed to reduce redundant licensing requirements and assist contractors who need to be licensed in multiple jurisdictions.

    Test with Confidence!

    • The exam is OPEN BOOK
    • The exam is 5-1/2 hours
    • The exam has 115 questions, with a minimum passing score of 81

    If you pass the NASCLA Examination for Commercial Building Contractors, your name will be entered into the NASCLA National Examination Database (NED) and you may use this information in other states that accept the NASCLA Examination.

    Contractors who take the examination can access NASCLA’s examination database and request that their results be sent to other jurisdictions that accept the examination, thereby reducing redundant licensing requirements.

    State Contractor Licensing Agencies currently Administering the NASCLA Exam include;

    Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina and US Virgin Islands

    State Contractor Licensing Agencies currently Accepting the NASCLA Exam include;

    Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia and US Virgin Islands 

    Some states do require contractors to pass a separate “Business and Law Exam”. This exam is open book and requires the State specific NASCLA Business, Law and Project Management book. This book would be required in addition to the Basic NASCLA Business, Law and Project Management book required for the NASCLA Exam.

    All products and company names are trademarksTM or registered ® trademarks and/or copyrights of their respective holders.  Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by the respective holders.

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