• New Jersey NASCLA Contractors Guide to Business, Law and Project Management, NJ 1st Edition - Tabs Bundle Pak

    New Jersey NASCLA Contractors Guide to Business, Law and Project Management, NJ 1st Edition - Tabs Bundle Pak

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    In addition to receiving the NASCLA Contractors Guide to Business, Law and Project Management, New Jersey Edition you will also receive our quick reference tabs.

    Our permanent quick reference tabs will help you navigate quickly through this book during your exam. These tabs are self-adhesive and must be added at least one day prior for sufficient adhesive power. these are more specific than any other school or bookstore !

    Dont get tricked ! You get what you pay for with our colored tabs !

    Please note that the Testing Facility Proctor is the deciding factor on whether or not tabs will be accepted and allowed into the exam. If the tabs do not adhere properly, they will not be accepted.

    Please note: After 5/8/2015, this publication may be used as a comprehensive replacement for all of the publications listed on the PSI Candidate Information Bulletins for the New Jersey Electrical Contractors, HVACR Contractors, Master Plumbers, Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm and Locksmith Business and Law examinations. Starting 6/8/15, ONLY this publication will be allowed in the testing center.


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