• NFPA 30A: Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages; 2018 Edition

    NFPA 30A: Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages; 2018 Edition

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    Fire safety at motor fuel dispensing operations and motor vehicle repair facilities depends on the critical guidelines in NFPA 30A.

    Dispensing flammable motor fuels can present serious hazards that can be avoided by adhering to specialized guidelines. The 2015 edition of NFPA 30A: Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages provides the latest rules for fuel storage and piping, fuel dispensing systems, and operating procedures for retail fuel dispensing, marine fuel dispensing, and fleet vehicle fuel dispensing. NFPA 30A also covers gaseous motor vehicle fuels when dispensed at the same locations as liquid fuels.

    Major changes in this edition improve safety and expand the Code's scope:
    • A new Chapter 14 has been added to address the subject of on-demand mobile fueling.
    • Aboveground storage tanks installed within the scope of the Code must comply with all applicable provisions of Chapter 4.
    • A new provision mandates that a leak detection device must restrict or shut flow of fuel if a leak is detected, instead of simply providing an audible or visible indication of a leak.
    • When the emergency shutoff device is actuated, mechanical or electrical isolation of fluid handling systems other than fuel is now required.
    • Gas and vapor removal at the ceiling level is now required for areas where vehicles using lighter-than-air fuels are repaired.
    • Major repair garages that repair hydrogen-fueled vehicles now must also meet the provisions of NFPA 2: Hydrogen Technologies Code.
    • Added language clarifies that sprinkler protection provisions apply to the entire building wherein the repair garage is located.
    • Numerous other changes clarify the Code's intent and make requirements more explicit.

    ISBN: 9781455916634

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