Florida Marine Specialty Contractor Exam; Pre-Printed Tabs and Highlights
With this purchase you will receive:
1. A complete set of pre-printed tabs (sent to you in the mail) for all of the books required for the Florida State Certified Marine Contractor Exam. These permanent, quick reference tabs will help you navigate quickly and easily through the books during your exam.
Online access for one (1) year to:
2. Printable pdf's that will indicate key areas to highlight in the books and where to place your pre-printed tabs.
3. Instructional video on how to tab and highlight your book
The pre-printed tabs and highlighting locations are for the following Florida Marine Contractor's Exam books:
- Walker's Building Estimator’s Reference Book, 33rd Ed.
- Code of Federal Regulations, (OSHA) 29 Part 1926
- Contractors Manual, 2021
- Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, Steven H. Kosmatka, Beatrix Kerkhoff and William C. Panarese, 17th Ed.
- Placing Reinforcing Bars, 10th Edition
- Principles and Practices of Commercial Construction, Ronald C. Smith and Cameron K. Andres, 11th Edition,
- Damage Prevention Guide (includes FL Statute Ch. 556 Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act), 2020
- Dock Manual, Design, Building, Maintaining, 1999
- Timber Pile Design & Construction Manual, 2016
- Florida Building Code – Building, 2023
- Florida Building Code – Accessibility, 2023