• Prov Tree Trimming and Removal Contractors Course (County - Florida)

    Prov Tree Trimming and Removal Contractors Course (County - Florida)

    • $295.00
    • Save $35
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    Call to ask about financial assistance

    100% safasfaction

    This license may no longer be issued after June 30, 2024 per Florida House Bill HB735 and HB1383. (Broward County looking  into other options)


    1. ANSI A300 (Part 1) Pruning 2008
    2. ANSI A300 (Part 6) 2012: Planting & Transplanting
    3. To Fell a Tree
    4. Tree Climber's Companion
    5. ANSI Standard Z133.1 2012 - Safety

    For information on how to obtain exam references and preps, please call us at 954-210-3030.


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