Tennessee CMC-Full Mechanical Contractor Book Package

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To be certified the Tennessee Business and Law Exam must be passed.

The exam consists of 120 questions and you get 325 minutes to complete the test. the minimum required passing score is 73%. 

The reference material listed below was used to prepare the questions for this examination. The examination may also contain questions based on trade knowledge or general industry practices. Except for Code books, you can base your answers on later editions of references as they become available. For Code questions, the examinations will be based only on the edition of the Code book that is listed. 

Candidates may use a silent, nonprinting, non-programmable calculator in the examination center.

This examination is OPEN BOOK.

Reference Materials:

  1. International Mechanical Code, 2012
  2. International Fuel Gas Code, 2012
  3. International Plumbing Code, 2012
  4. NFPA 13 - Installation of Sprinkler Systems
  5. Pipefitters Handbook, Forrest R. Lindsey, 1967, 3rd Edition,
  6. Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Althouse, Turnquist, Bracciano, 21st edition
  7. An air duct sizing calculator wheel, slide, or similar device 
  8. HVAC Duct Construction Standards, Metal and Flexible, 4th Edition 2020
  9. Ugly's Electrical References
  10. Carrier System Design Manual Part 3 - Piping Design, Carrier Air Conditioning Company
  11. Code of Federal Regulations - 29 CFR Part 1926 (OSHA), with latest available amendments, 
  12. Manual N - Commercial Load Calculation for Small Commercial Buildings, 5th Edition
  13. Manual J - Residential Load Calcs, reprinted, 8th Full Edition

Candidates are responsible for bringing their own references to the examination center. Reference materials may be highlighted, underlined, and/or indexed prior to the examination session. However, references may not be written in. Any candidate caught writing in the references during the examination will be reported to the Board. Furthermore, candidates are not permitted to bring in any additional papers (loose or attached) with their approved references. References may be tabbed/indexed with permanent tabs only. Temporary tabs, such as Post-It notes, are not allowed and must be removed from the reference before the exam will begin. Scratch paper will be provided for calculations. Candidates will NOT be permitted to remove from the examination room ANY material that has been written on. (This would include books).

|title=mandatory business exam|psi-tennessee-business-and-law-management-exam-certification-package|title=Reference Materials|osha-construction-standards-regulations-29-cfr-1926|uglys-electrical-references-2014|2012-international-mechanical-code|2012-international-fuel-gas-code|2012-international-plumbing-code|nfpa-13-installation-of-sprinkler-systems|pipefitters-handbook-3rd-edition|2006-international-plumbing-code-2nd-printing-indiana-edition|modern-refrigeration-and-air-conditioning-20th-ed|air-duct-sizing-calculator|hvac-duct-construction-standards-metal-and-flexible|carrier-system-design-manual-part-3-piping-design|commercial-load-calculation-for-small-commercial-buildings-manual-n|manual-j-residential-load-calculation-8th-edition-version-2|title=Application Assistance|application-service|

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