• Virginia Commercial Building Technical Contractor - Book Rental Package (Trade Only)
    • Virginia Commercial Building Technical Contractor - Book Rental Package (Trade Only)

    Virginia Commercial Building Technical Contractor - Book Rental Package (Trade Only)

    • $1,649.00
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    Virginia Commercial Building Technical Contractor - (Trade Only)

    Book Rental Package Pricing:


    *plus $650 refundable deposit if books are returned in similar condition within 6 months from the time they are received. 

    Total: $1,649.00 


    Book Rental Includes:

    • Highlighted and tabbed books for the trade/technical exam
    • Commercial Building Technical Contractor trade online exam prep course 
    • 6 month book rental period and access to courses

         ***This is a special order item. Please allow 15 business days for your books to be tabbed and highlighted***

          This book rental package includes all the required books for the Virginia Commercial Building Technical Contractor trade open book trade examination already pre-tabbed and highlighted to help you quickly and easily navigate through the books during your exam. 


          The complete set of highlighted and tabbed Virginia Commercial Technical Building Contractor exam books includes: 

          1. Code of Federal Regulations - 29 CFR Part 1926 (OSHA), with latest available amendments
          2. International Building Code 2021
          3. Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities
          4. Technical Digest No. 9 – Handling and Erection of Steel Joists and Joist Girders, 3rd Edition
          5. Carpentry and Building Construction 2016 (Student Edition)
          6. Gypsum Construction Handbook, 2014 Edition
          7. Placing Reinforcing Bars
          8. The Contractor's Guide to Quality Concrete Construction
          9. Roofing Construction & Estimating
          10. Modern Masonry - Brick, Block, Stone, Clois E. Kicklighter, 9th Edition
          11. SDI Manual of Construction with Steel Deck, 2016, 3rd Edition
          12. Pipe and Excavation Contracting


          Virginia License Requirements:


          Virginia requires two licenses to become a contractor: Business (Class A or B only) to be taken by the Designated Employee and Technical/Trade to be taken by the Qualified Individual.  This Class A or B license covers the business portion and is required by the Designated Employee or member of responsible management. There is an 8-hour Pre-License requirement for all new Virginia Contractors.  The same person who takes the Pre-License course must be the same person who takes the Class A/B exams.


          Class A – contractors perform or manage construction, removal, repair, or improvements when (i) the total value referred to in a single contract or project is $120,000 or more, or (ii) the total value of all such construction, removal, repair, or improvements undertaken by such person within any twelve-month period is $750,000 or more. The Company must have a $45k minimum net worth. Class A applicants must have a minimum five years experience. 


          Class B – contractors perform or manage construction, removal, repair, or improvements when (i) the total value referred to in a single contract or project is $10,000 or more, but less than $120,000, or (ii) the total value of all such construction, removal, repair, or improvements undertaken by such person within any twelve-month period is $150,000 or more, but less than $750,000  The company must have a minimum net worth of $15,000. Class B applicants must have a minimum three years experience. 


          Class C – contractors perform or manage construction, removal, repair, or improvements when (i) the total value referred to in a single contract or project is over $1,000 but no more than $10,000, or (ii) the total value of all such construction, removal, repair, or improvements undertaken by such person within any twelve-month period is no more than $150,000. Class C applicants must have a minimum two years experience. 

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