Air B Contractor
Examination Info
Below is the information you will need concerning your Air B exam

Class B - Air Conditioning Contractor means a contractor whose services are limited to 25 tons of cooling and 500,000 Btu of heating in any one system in the execution of contracts requiring the experience, knowledge, and skill to install, maintain, repair, fabricate, alter, extend, or design, if not prohibited by law, central air-conditioning, refrigeration, heating, and ventilating systems, including duct work in connection with a complete system only to the extent such duct work is performed by the contractor as necessary to complete an air-distribution system being installed under this classification, and any duct cleaning and equipment sanitizing that requires at least a partial disassembling of the system; to install, maintain, repair, fabricate, alter, extend, or design, if not prohibited by law, piping and insulation of pipes, vessels, and ducts; to replace, disconnect, or reconnect power wiring on the load side of the dedicated existing electrical disconnect switch; to install, disconnect, and reconnect low voltage heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning control wiring; and to install a condensate drain from an air-conditioning unit to an existing safe waste or other approved disposal other than a direct connection to a sanitary system. The scope of work for such contractor also includes any excavation work incidental thereto, but does not include any work such as liquefied petroleum or natural gas fuel lines within buildings, except for disconnecting or reconnecting changeouts of liquefied petroleum or natural gas appliances within buildings; potable water lines or connections thereto; sanitary sewer lines; swimming pool piping and filters; or electrical power wiring. A Class B air-conditioning contractor may test and evaluate central air-conditioning, refrigeration, heating, and ventilating systems, including ductwork; however, a mandatory licensing requirement is not established for the performance of these specific services.
Examination Outline
All Florida Air B Contractor candidates are required to pass the Business and Finance Examination and the Air B Contractor Trade Examination administered by Pearson Vue.
The Air B Trade Knowledge Examination is composed of 80 questions, plus 5 pilot questions. You will have 5 hours to complete the exam and must score at least 70% in order to pass. It will be administered in one session via computer in the calm atmosphere of one of Pearson Vue’s convenient testing centers at a time of your choosing.
The examination will have questions relating to the following content areas and necessary knowledge for each area includes:
You should be prepared to respond to examination questions on any of the content areas listed in the below link:
Class B - Air Conditioning Contractors General Trade Knowledge Examination Content Information
To speak to a Pearson Vue customer service representative about an exam reservation, please call 888-204-6230
Approved References
The answers to the examination questions will be based on the editions listed below. Some of the questions will also be based on field experience and knowledge of trade practices. Editions earlier or later than those listed below can be brought to the examination but AT YOUR OWN RISK. However, ONLY ONE COPY of each reference will be allowed into the examination.
- NFPA 90A: Standards for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems, 2015
- NFPA 90B: Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Systems, 2018
- NFPA 96 Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial, 2017
- Energy Systems Analysis & Management, 2nd Ed., 2014
- Trane Air Conditioning Manual 6th ed.
- Trane Reciprocating Refrigeration Manual, 67th Printing
- Energy Efficient Building Construction in Florida, 10th Edition, 2020
- HVAC Duct Construction Standards, Metal and Flexible, 4th Edition 2020
- Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards, 7th Edition, 2003
- Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Troubleshooting Handbook
- Pipefitter's Handbook, Forrest R. Lindsey, 3rd Edition, 1967
- Trane Ductulator
- 2020 Florida Building Code - Mechanical
- 2020 Florida Building Code - Energy Conservation
- 2020 Florida Contractors Manual
- OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Construction Industry Regulations
Photocopies will not be allowed unless the appropriate authorities (DBPR and the publishers) have given written authorization. Hand-written and typewritten notes are NOT allowed. Existing handwritten notes must be blackened out or whitened out completely, by the candidate, prohibiting legibility. Moveable tabs (e.g., Post-it® Flags) are NOT allowed. You will not be permitted to make any marks in your references during the examination.