Worker's Compensation Exemption Filing Fee
1 Exam Prep will handle all the necessary paperwork and file your Application for Worker's Compensation Exemption. Certain individuals may obtain a Certificate of Election to be Exempt from Florida Worker's Compensation Law provided the following criteria are met:
- The corporation must be registered and listed as active with the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations.
- The applicant must be listed as an officer of the corporation in the records of the Florida Department of State.
- The applicant must attest to a minimum 10 percent ownership of the corporation.
- No more than three officers of a corporation or of any group of affiliated corporations (including LLCs) may elect to be exempt.
- Applicant cannot be affiliated with an ACTIVE Stop Work Order (SWO), Order of Penalty Assessment (OPA) or Working in Violation (WIV).
- An applicant associated with a payment that is insufficient is not eligible for an exemption.
Limited Liability Company (LLC):
- The LLC must be registered and listed as active with the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations.
- The applicant must attest to a minimum 10 percent ownership of the LLC.
- No more than three officers of an LLC or of any group of affiliated LLCs (including corporations) may elect to be exempt.
- Applicant cannot be affiliated with an ACTIVE Stop Work Order (SWO), Order of Penalty Assessment (OPA) or Working in Violation (WIV).
- An applicant associated with a payment that is insufficient is not eligible for an exemption.
A state driver license number or Florida ID number is required to obtain a Certificate of Election to be Exempt.