Introduction to Becoming a South Carolina Residential Contractor

Introduction to Becoming a South Carolina Residential Contractor

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Are you considering becoming a South Carolina Residential Contractor?


Get started on your path to becoming a licensed South Carolina Residential Contractor by learning everything you need to know with an informative introductory online course developed by experts in the field.   

Topics covered in our Introduction to Becoming a South Carolina Residential Contractor course include: 

  • Introduction to 1ExamPrep 
  • Benefits of becoming a licensed SC Residential Contractor
  • Steps required to get your license
  • Scope of the required exams
  • Required books for your exams
  • Sample highlights of key areas in the required books
  • Sample simulated exam practice questions
  • The next steps and how 1ExamPrep can help you get licensed  

      Take your first step toward success today! 


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